Title: Causality indices for bivariate time series data: a comparative review of performance
Authors: Tom Edinburgh, Stephen J. Eglen, Ari Ercole
Abstract: Obtained from abstractsource
Certificate identifier: 2021-001
Codechecker name: Marcel Stimberg
Time of codecheck: 2021-04-27T18:00:00+02:00
Repository: https://github.com/codecheckers/causality-review
Codecheck report: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4720843
The authors provided all material and documented the process well, the check was therefore straightforward. Due to long computation times, only a subset of the results could be checked. Reproducing the results in the repository was successful, with non-significant numerical discrepancies. However, a small number of minor differences with the results in the arXiv preprint merit clarification.
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Published under CC BY-SA 4.0
CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles.