Title: A Socially Aware Huff Model for Destination Choice in Nature-based Tourism
Authors: Meilin Shi, Krzysztof Janowicz, Ling Cai, Gengchen Mai, Rui Zhu
Abstract: Obtained from CrossRef
Certificate identifier: 2021-006
Codechecker name: Jakub Krukar
Time of codecheck: 2021-06-10 12:00:00
Repository: https://osf.io/4cpm3
Codecheck report: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/4CPM3
The code, sample API query, and downloaded data were published in a public GitHub repository with a working Binder link. All files containing the code could be executed and all tables presented in the paper could be reproduced with only minor changes to the code. However, the code does not create figures contained in the paper and an attempt to change the results of the model evaluation by changing its numerical assumption was unsuccessful. The authors demonstrate concern for the reproducibility of their work and actively improved the reproducibility workflow throughout the reproducibility review process.
https://codecheck.org.uk/ | codecheckers
Published under CC BY-SA 4.0
CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles.