Paper details

Title: Does enforcing glenohumeral joint stability matter? A new rapid muscle redundancy solver highlights the importance of non-superficial shoulder muscles

Authors: Italo Belli, Ajay Seth

Abstract: Obtained from CrossRef

AbstractThe complexity of the human shoulder girdle enables the large mobility of the upper extremity, but also introduces instability of the glenohumeral (GH) joint. Shoulder movements are generated by coordinating large superficial and deeper stabilizing muscles spanning numerous degrees-of-freedom. How shoulder muscles are coordinated to stabilize the movement of the GH joint remains widely unknown. Musculoskeletal simulations are powerful tools to gain insights into the actions of individual muscles and particularly of those that are difficult to measure. In this study, we analyze how enforcement of GH joint stability in a musculoskeletal model affects the estimates of individual muscle activity during shoulder movements. To estimate both muscle activity and GH stability from recorded shoulder movements, we developed a Rapid Muscle Redundancy (RMR) solver to include constraints on joint reaction forces (JRFs) from a musculoskeletal model. The RMR solver yields muscle activations and joint forces by minimizing the weighted sum of squared-activations, while matching experimental motion. We implemented three new features: first, computed muscle forces include active and passive fiber contributions; second, muscle activation rates are enforced to be physiological, and third, JRFs are efficiently formulated as linear functions of activations. Muscle activity from the RMR solver without GH stability was not different from the computed muscle control (CMC) algorithm and electromyography of superficial muscles. The efficiency of the solver enabled us to test 3600 trials sampled within the uncertainty of the experimental movements to test the differences in muscle activity with and without GH joint stability enforced. We found that enforcing GH stability significantly increases the estimated activity of the rotator cuff muscles but not of most superficial muscles. Therefore, a comparison of shoulder model muscle activity to EMG measurements of superficial muscles alone is insufficient to validate the activity of rotator cuff muscles estimated from musculoskeletal models.

Codecheck details

Certificate identifier: 2023-011

Codechecker name: Stephen J. Eglen

Time of codecheck: 2023-09-18 13:00:00


Codecheck report:


Codecheck performed interactively as part of the Delft 2023 workshop. The codecheck was undertaken with the first author observing and able to help fix issues. This meant that the codecheck was fairly quick and any issues were resolved fairly quickly. With some fixes, the code was confirmed to work and Figure 3 could be reproduced with some visual differences due to post-processing of the figures before publication, as was confirmed by the author. | GitHub codecheckers

© Stephen Eglen & Daniel Nüst

Published under CC BY-SA 4.0

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CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles.