Authors: Joseph Shingleton, Ana Basiri
Abstract: Obtained from CrossRef
Certificate identifier: 2024-010
Codechecker name: Rémy Decoupes
Time of codecheck: 2024-05-27 10:26:00
Codecheck report:
As indicated in the Data and Software Availability section, the authors shared their code, data, and trained models through an OSF (Open Science Framework) repository. Through 4 notebooks, we were able to train two baseline models and then create a new training dataset to train the proposed model by the authors. These models were then compared with human evaluation (through shared data). Evaluating the reproducibility of this article was not an easy task. In fact, this processing chain requires a lot of computational resources and time for its execution. Another difficulty was that the notebooks and Python library developed by the authors and shared via OSF contained some errors. However, the authors accompanied me throughout this process, providing new versions of the code files to correct the errors I encountered. My feeling is that the reproducibility review process was beneficial. The scientific article was almost entirely reproduced | codecheckers
Published under CC BY-SA 4.0
CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles.