Title: Landscape Character Assessment - Nigeria
Authors: Patrick Samson Udama Eneche, Funda Atun, Karin Pfeffer, Yijian Zeng
Abstract: Obtained from abstractsource
Certificate identifier: 2024-015
Codechecker names: Betelham Gebretsadik, Dilli Paudel, Jay Gohil, Pitchaporn Likitpanjamanon
Time of codecheck: 2024-09-26
Repository: https://osf.io/mwbuq
Codecheck report: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/mwbuq
The CODECHECK utilized the supplied dataset, but certain steps were omitted as they would take several hours to compute on the available hardware. Despite this, the generated output aligns with the reported results. However, it is not clear which output should be compared in the Python notebooks.
https://codecheck.org.uk/ | codecheckers
Published under CC BY-SA 4.0
CODECHECK is a process for independent execution of computations underlying scholarly research articles.