CODECHECK community workflow for codecheckers
See also the CODECHECK community workflow overview and discuss your issues. This guide has two main parts - a short community workflow list of steps, and an extended version which may be used as a reference. Are you checking a paper with CHECK-NL? See their [workflow for in-person events}(/nl/workflow/).
Codechecker tasks - short version
Before you start, an author created a pre-producible workflow: all data and code, plus a README file detailing the content, a manifest file detailing the output in the CODECHECK configuration file specification, and a license file; this is ideally bundled in a single repository or archive file and accompanied by a (pre-published) paper. The author then created a new issue in the CODECHECK register to request a new community CODECHECK. Now it’s your turn.
- Accept codechecking invitation by commenting on the issue
- Create a repository in the CODECHECK GitHub organization, either by forking existing repository or creating new one and uploading materials
- Create a new directory in that repository where all new files will go
- Create a new document to write the CODECHECK certificate and start documenting the ongoing codecheck now; the exact form of a codechecking procedure and form of documentation vary greatly, but there are some tools, such as an R package to automate some steps, including an Rmd template and word processor templates in .odt and .docx formats; all of that is optional, as long as the final certificate contains the mandatory information
- Open the manuscript and follow the instructions to reproduce a workflow
- During the CODECHECK, contact the authors in case of problems; keep in mind the general CODECHECK principles, especially “the codechecker records but does not fix” – unless it is a very trivial bug like pathnames; the authors can provide updated versions of code and documentation; however, the entire procedure should not be much more time-intensive than a normal peer review of a paper and not involve more than a few code revisions; the codechecker can always stop the process after a reasonable effort and close the issue as not successfully reproduced.
- Summarize the process and outcomes in your certificate and upload it as PDF to Zenodo or OSF; add edited files and intemediary as well as output files as you see fit; the certifiate must at least contain the information on who checked what and how; the ambition should be to document for future self and other researchers; have a look at the available certificates.
- Adds a pull request to original repository for the CODECHECK badge (optional)
- Notify the editor in the GitHub issue about the completion
Codechecker tasks - extended version
The codechecker in general is not there to fix things, but to document how far they got. The result is either is a completed CODECHECK, or a documentation why the check was found impossible to complete (see principle 1). Codecheckers should give feedback to the author and definetely allow workflows to be fixed. It is very hard to put a precise number on the amount of work you should put into a CODECHECK. You’re not expected to spend more time on a CODECHECK than you would on peer-reviewing a manuscript. You should take advantage of the fact that you can talk to the author and feel free to reach out early and often, when you think that issues can be resolved quickly. Depending on your familiarity with the used programming language and specific tools at hand, a very rough experience value could be 30 minutes of reading documentation, downloading and installing software, and another 30 minutes to write up the CODECHECK certificate. The time in between for running the actual workflow will vary greatly, from minutes to hours, and hopefully can be run in the background. In case the computations run longer than your regular working day, consider asking the author to prepare a subset of the workflow.
However, a codechecker may, for example out of personal interest in the research at hand, invest additional efforts. In any case, the overall goal is to leave the workflow repository in the same or better condition.
Some further tips:
- Every CODECHECK is unique, just as the associated research article. If this guide feels like it doesn’t work for your case, you are likely still on the right track.
- Reach out to fellow codecheckers in the public discussion forum if you face any problems.
- A familiarity with
is helpful to provide an easy entrypoint and build up useful code snippets for your CODECHECKs, see and
- Comment on the issue in the CODECHECK register repository to notify author and editor that you’re accepting (and starting) the CODECHECK.
- Fork the author’s repository to the codecheckers or organisation, or, if the code is not on GitHub/GitLab, create a new repository with the naming scheme
using the family name of the corresponding author. Please take care to follow the terms and conditions of the workspace’s licenses; stop your CODECHECK if the licensing is unclear and contact the author to fix the documentation. - Create a directory
to not interfere with original files. This is the check directory. You can use.codecheck
exists in submission for some reason. All files created by you go into this directory. The exception are files that the author could have used and which you suggest the author transfers into her own repository after the check (see “leave in a better condition” above).- Write a
to re-run the workflow based on provided documentation, i.e., recreate all files listed in the manifest by runnign the commandmake codecheck
. This target should run the whole or most suitable subset of the workflow and create the certificate. - Optional contents of the check directory.
- Document the used computing environment, see CODECHECK bundle guide.
- Create a notebook as the basis for the certificate (see below), e.g.
. - Make the repository Binder-ready; put all Binder-related files into
directory to separate them from the author’s content.
- Write the CODECHECK certificate and save it as a PDF file named
in the check directory. The certificate should cover at least WHO checked WHAT, and HOW. There are not strict requirements on the form, but you’re welcome to use our word processor templates in .odt and .docx formats or the .Rmd template from our R package. Imagine the certificate as a reminder for future you so you will be to re-check the workflow in two years time - what help would you need to do that? There is no need to document every detailed step if that is not helpful for you. Include a full citation of the certificate, because your CODECHECK is a valuable contribution to science (see below for reserving the DOI). Take a look at the example CODECHECKs for existing certificates to serve as templates. - Optional certificate sections depending on interest, time, and skills:
- Do the generated outputs match the ones in the original manuscript? Are the differences relevant or not?
- Are there any parts of the workflow where the author could improve the code?
- How long did it take you to conduct the CHECK, and where did you struggle?
- Are used pieces of software and data properly CITED and publicly DEPOSITED und suitable LICENSES?
- Are open formats (text-based etc.) used for input and output data?
- Is the data and software FAIR?
- Add mandatory codechecker-contributed information to the
file, see spec - Wait for the article DOI.
- Write a
- Deposit the CODECHECK report on Zenodo using your own Zenodo account.
- Reserve a DOI
- Add the DOI to the
file. - Add the DOI to the
CODECHECK report, which should include a full citation of itself.
- Add the DOI to the
- Files
(mandatory)- Optional: You can add any material to this record that you see fit, especially things that helped you with your reproduction, i.e., the CODECHECK bundle.
- Communities: Search for “codecheck” to add the record to the CODECHECK community on Zenodo.
- Authors: Add all codecheckers as authors.
- Title:
(certificate number issued via the register ticket above). - License: Use
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
if you only upload the CODECHECK report, otherwise useOther (Open)
orOther (Attribution)
and document the licensing of the different parts in an Additional notes field. - Description: Copy the summary of the check here.
- Contributors: Add the original authors as contributors (see Zendo Metadata form section “Contributors (optional)”) with a suitable role (e.g., “Researcher”).
- Optionally, add extra metadata as you see fit (fields such as Version, Language, Keywords).
- Connect the Zenodo record to the GitHub repository with a Relate/alternate identifier.
- Connect the Zenodo record to the article/preprint with a Related/alternate identifier.
- Reserve a DOI
- If the check was conducted for a piece of software for the first time or resulted in important lessons learned, please suggest it to the editor in the checks’s GitHub issue.
- If the check material is published on
, add thecodecheck
topic to the project. -
If possible, add the CODE WORKS badge
to the software repository, e.g., by sending a pull request. The badge should link directly to the Zenodo record via the DOI. The following snippet should work in Markdown:
[](<DOI HERE>)